Music Industry 101: Environmental Impact Assessment of "My Humps"
This is a case study of the societal effects of My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas. (The lyrics can be found here.) The album was produced by A&M Records in the US and Interscope in the UK, both subsidiaries of Universal Music Group, the largest business group and family of record labels in the industry, with approximately $5 billion revenues in fiscal 2005. Vivendi is Universal's parent company, with $20 billion revenues in 2006. The song was once called "one of the most embarrassing rap performances of the new millennium" by music critic John Bush. Much of the criticism stems from repetitive lyrics and exploitation of the female body. Regardless, this video won MTV's best hip hop video of the year award in 2006. (Wikipedia)
This would all seem too funny, if only it wasn't for...
Here's a father-daughter moment featuring My Humps.
I don't claim to understand half of these lyrics any more than these kids do. Here's a little boy's response (look for his sister trying to access the get-away car.)
Here's what happens when boys grow up a little. (Apologies in advance if it's crass; please don't waste five minutes to finish this whole clip. I didn't either and those would be five minutes of your life you can never get back.)
Here's what happens when girls grow up a little (where's their dad?)
Then the little boys and little girls grow up into men and women who try to find love and live happily ever after. We all wonder why it's so hard and would even like to believe it's because we're from altogether different planets. Bah humbug. I mean, bah hump bug.
Then it becomes an international phenomenon. This is in Serbian. Serbian!
Finally someone with a brain and some power in the industry says, I've had enough of this ----, and ... oh Alanis, you rock. You're the best. The best!
ps. Here's an article from the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics: "Exposure to Degrading Versus Nondegrading Music Lyrics and Sexual Behavior Among Youth."
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