Oct 9, 2006

Net Impact Hanken

From Net Impact CSR Weekly:

Carbon Disclosure Project Report Details Company Attitudes on Climate Change

The 225 investment institutions managing $31.5 trillion, that make up the Carbon Disclosure Project have unveiled their fourth annual report (CDP4) on climate change detailing the attitudes of the FT500 (the world's largest firms). According to SocialFunds, the CDP4 questionnaire asks about carbon emission data, practices and policies. Although 73 percent of respondents are tracking greenhouse gas emissions, only 48 percent have begun reducing emissions.

CDP chair James Cameron says, "The findings of CDP4 confirm that awareness of the risks and opportunities posed by climate change has risen dramatically among investors and the companies they own. But awareness alone will not drive the changes in investment and corporate strategy needed if disastrous climate change is to be avoided." Five firms that had the "best in class" responses were BP plc, HSBC Holdings plc, Rio Tinto Group, RWE AG and Unilever. The CDP4 report is available at www.cdproject.net/cdp4reports.asp.

Det här betyder ju att 73% av FT500 bolag följer med CO2 utslepp, och att 48% av FT500 bolag har redan vidtagit åtgärdar för att minska utsleppen!!!